Het bewijs

AQUACEL® wondverband

Onderzoeken in het laboratorium

Superior ability to destroy biofilm and prevent reformation

In an in vitro biofilm model, AQUACEL® Ag+ Extra dressing demonstrated superior ability to destroy biofilm and prevent reformation.28,30

lab results

Aangetoond in klinische situaties

95% greater reduction of biofilm vs. a PHMB gauze39

In an adapted DFA-recognized in vivo biofilm model19, Ag+ Technology in combination with Hydrofiber® Technology demonstrated:*

• 95% greater reduction by day 6 (p<0.05)39††

A significantly greater rate of epithelialization and granulation vs. PHMB gauze39.

• 48% more granulation tissue by day 6 (p<0.05)

• 24% more epithelial tissue by day 6 (p<0.05)

Controlled Wounds


Wondgenezing in de praktijk40

70% reduction in ulcer area for infected wounds

In a prospective, multi-center, non-comparative study on 42 chronic venus leg ulcer patients with at-risk or infected wounds^ where biofilm is highly likely. Ag+ Technology in combination with Hydrofiber® Technology demonstrated*††.

• 54% reduction in ulcer area for all wounds

• 70% reduction in ulcer area for infected woundsWound Healing